Wednesday, May 25, 2011


Beside my daughter's (which I've mentioned in other posts) there are several blogs I like to follow. A couple of them are some I check out nearly every day to see what's new.

One of those is by Tricia Buice, a friend in Fredericksburg, Virginia whose husband was a co-worker of mine at a few radio stations. Tricia's blog "Saving Room For Dessert" can be found at and always has yummy recipes...not just desserts. It will be worth your while to check it out - especially on Mondays. She has decided to make and feature a pie every week of 2011. 52 pies! I commented on her blog recently that I'm thankful I can't gain weight just looking at her blog...because everything looks soooooooo good! She has plenty of pictures to go with each recipe from the ingredients to the finished product. Check it out.

Another blog is one my daughter got me into following called "Sew Weekly" and is at
This stay-at-home seamstress/wife/mom from California makes beautiful clothing and posts the pictures and descriptions of what she's made...the successes and the failed attempts. She re-vamped it this year and has people from other parts of the world participating in weekly sewing projects. She shops for vintage patterns and vintage fabric, utilizing them in her creative way. Too hard to describe it all, but suffice to say that this one would be well worth clicking on.

Rachel Corbin Lafon has a blog called "Just Sew" that shares some really neat ideas. Rachel lives in Texas.
I've known Rachel since she was a little girl and now she's a talented wife/mother/seamstress/piano teacher who sews for pleasure and to make a little extra money. She has an Etsy store you can go to after checking out her items. She has an embroidery machine that makes me want one! Uh-oh...I am coveting. Breaking a commandment. Sorry.

"Simple Creations by Andrea" is a great blog to look at for ideas on kids' gifts or clothing. She does other things, too, but these are my favorites. From Hendersonville, North Carolina, Andrea says she is "...just another mom with a hobby." Visit her at

"It is Well" at is by Martha Cate Shamblin Spencer who lives in North Carolina. She is a photographer and posts pictures and thoughts in beautiful ways. Just read her blog a little while ago and have tears in my eyes... It is more than photography. Martha Cate shares her heart. You'll be blessed.

These are just a few blogs I thought I'd share with you. Hope you'll take the time to look at them!

If you have a pulse, then you have a purpose...make your life count!

1 comment:

  1. Well thank you so much for the kind words! Eating pie once a week is a challenge so I've had to get creative finding willing taste testers. Hope you are all well. Love the sewing blogs. Makes me want to make something outside the kitchen! Thanks again.
