Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Coming soon...

Our daughter and her husband are expecting a baby! They’re very excited about “Peanut.” (That’s the baby’s name for now.) They already know if it’s a boy or girl and are keeping that secret to themselves for now, so Peanut is what we all call this “alien creature inside...” as quoted by my daughter from her blog at

If they tell us what names they have chosen, we’d figure out what they’re having and all the mystery would be gone. Personally, I think they’re very smart not to tell anyone what they’re naming their firstborn because people always have opinions about names. When one shares a name that they've chosen and another turns up their nose and tells some horrendous story about a person by that same name, it kind of ruins things. Parents don’t need others to weigh in on the given name, so our kids are using their noggins on this one. (I keep hoping one of them will slip and unintentionally say if it’s a boy or a girl. But they’re calling it an ‘it’ and not giving anyone any satisfaction! Ha!)

Around August 25th their world will never be the same...hence the grandparents’ worlds will never be the same. This is a first for all of us! And that due date is only THREE MONTHS AWAY! The word 'excited' doesn’t begin to describe our feelings!

Hannah and Andrew met in 2003, married in 2006, and just before their tenth anniversary, Peanut will arrive.

Joe and I were married for eleven years before Hannah was born. Everyone kept telling us things like, “Boy, things are gonna change around your house!!” or “You are in for some big changes!” Well, duh! We were married for eleven years and were ready for those changes! And she brought such fun and life into our home! What a joy she is! And now Hannah and James get to find out what joy is coming along! They’re going to be wonderful parents!

Hannah’s mother-in-law, Cindy, said it best when she said this kid is going to rock our world! WooHoo! Bring it on!!!!!

I admit that I’m still wrapping my mind around the fact that my baby is going to have a baby. She’s going to be a good mom. All of her life she has exceeded expectations. From the time she was a little girl, I’ve told her over and over again, “you can do hard things” and this time will be no different.

People want to know what our ‘grandparent names’ will be. I have no clue. James called his mother’s father “Poppy” and Hannah called my father “Poppy” so I guess I’m sort of hoping that will be Joe’s name.

Poppy came around by accident. When Hannah was born, I’d call my dad “Papa” for her. She said it a few times, but then it morphed into “Poppy.” He didn’t care what she called him! He loved her so much that it didn’t matter!

I guess the baby will name me. Her parents will likely choose what we’ll be called, but ultimately the kids usually come up with what we’ll be...just like Hannah did with my daddy. It doesn’t matter. I’m so happy at the thought of being a grandmother!!!

I usually write something funny in my blog but this time I haven’t. Instead, I’ll just share this funny with you...

If you have a pulse, you have a purpose. Make your life count!

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