My husband comes from a wonderful little town called Appalachia, Virginia. It is nestled in the mountains of the southwestern part of the state. I met him in Wilmore, Kentucky after church one night...a service he attended with a carload of girls. (He later told me he was just "doing evangelism" but I already knew that he was a hit with all the girls on campus at Asbury Seminary and across the street at Asbury College.)
A few weeks after our first date, he took me home to meet the family. His parents were so welcoming and made me feel right at home! They owned a funeral home, established by my father-in-law in 1931. All five Green boys all worked for their dad as they grew up. Cemeteries had a special place in my husband's heart, so I shouldn't have been surprised when he wanted to take me for an afternoon drive and we ended up in one! Joe asked if I'd like to get out and walk. I thought to myself...I'm not staying here in the car by myself in a cemetery!!! We walked to a tombstone that had the name "Green" on it and Joe said that was where his grandfather was buried. I expressed my condolences and then Joe continued with what I'm typing to my best recollection...
Joe: I guess you're wondering why I brought you here today.
Me: Yes.
Joe: I told you all week at school that I wanted to bring you to a place that is very special to me and this is it! I grew up in places like this and I wanted to share it with you. Would you like to be buried in the family plot?
Me: Now?!?
Joe: I'm asking you to be my wife!
We met in February and married in May. I don't recommend that to anyone, although it's worked out well for us in these 36 years together. We went through a lot of things we likely wouldn't have, if we'd have waited a while...but our God has perfect timing.
For our 18th wedding anniversary he gave me a gold charm bracelet with a tombstone on it that reads "Green Family Plot" on one side and "i love you" with the date he proposed (March 2, 1974) below it.
I sold my red 1967 Mustang to pay for our wedding. When he ticks me off, I tell him how much I miss my car! (insert smile here)
As always, a good reminder to close with:
If you have a pulse, you have a purpose...make your life count!
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