My husband isn't a "cake-kind-of-guy" so when I want to make him a special dessert, this is one of my go-to recipes.
Preheat oven to 350°
2 sticks margerine
8 Tablespoons cocoa
4 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup all-purpose flour
2 cups granulated sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla
2 cups chopped pecans (the pie is also good without nuts!!!)
Melt cocoa in margarine; do not get hot. Add beaten eggs. Mix flour with sugar and add to cocoa and margerine3mixture. Mix by hand. Add vanilla and nuts. Stir well. Pour into unbaked pie shells. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes. Let cool and serve with whipped cream (I like Cool Whip). This pie freezes well, too.
And while I'm on the subject of desserts, please allow me to direct you to a blog "Saving Room For Dessert" that has some of the most complete instructions and delicious recipes you'll find! Her name is Tricia Buice, of Fredericksburg, Virginia. I sang at her wedding in 1985, worked with her husband at several radio stations and became a fan of her blog when her husband mentioned it on facebook. Tricia's blog is: www.savingdessert.com
I believe you'll enjoy what she has to share!
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