December 25, 2010:
It is Saturday in Alcoa, Tennessee and we woke up to SNOW...our first white Christmas since we've lived here and it was pretty! Now it is nearly ten o'clock on Christmas night and snow is falling again. My husband, a United Methodist minister, is paying special attention to the weather forecast because we have a Winter Weather Advisory issued through tomorrow evening. Several churches have already cancelled their Sunday services. And for good reason, I suppose, because temperatures tonight and tomorrow will remain in the 20's so ice will cause problems.
I'm from Ohio, and it always tickles me when I see the panic that snow brings to residents here! Being Christmas Day, it has prevented the usual run to the store for "supplies" as if everyone will be snowed in for a week! Milk, bread, meat, drinks and toilet paper...all leave the shelves in a hurry. Honestly, you'd get a kick out of it if you're one of my northern friends!
I remember driving in Ohio in all sorts of weather! And I remember how my mother would worry about that. I always thought she was too much of a worrier, but that seemed to be her nature. Then I became a mother. Guess that worry stuff comes with the territory! : )
I hope you had a blessed Christmas! I enjoyed celebrating Jesus' birthday with my husband, daughter, son-in-law and his family. Christmas isn't the only time to celebrate Jesus! Celebrate His presence in your life every day!
And remember that if you have a pulse...you have a purpose! Make your life count!
Update: My husband did have to cancel church. Too much ice under the new snow that fell this morning.