I am an "on-air radio personality" at Life 88.3 FM. I've been working in this field off and on since 1979. The longest I stayed away from radio was when I'd found a better job...being a stay-at-home mom. Even then, I continued free-lance work as a voice-over artist, recording commercials for radio and television, and doing narrations for videos, etc.
As I'm typing this post, I am winding down a 13-month job as the morning show host on a listener funded FM station, that plays praise & worship music 24/7. "Beth in the Morning" on Life 88.3 will sign off at 10 a.m. December 31, 2010 for the very last time. Below is the announcement I made on the air at 7:40 yesterday morning.
"I need to share with you a significant change occurring this week for Life 88.3. Beginning the first day of January, K-Love will take over the on-air programming on 88.3’s frequency. What this means is that there will be all new on-air personalities. As this week goes on we will introduce you to the new network and some of the new personalities.
However, today we want to begin a week-long celebration of praising God for the ministry over the last 2½ years here in Knoxville, East Tennessee and on the world-wide-web. God has blessed this ministry that you, the listeners, have been so faithful to support. We want to say a great big thank you for your support, friendship and partnership together. We understand there will be many question and we would love to be able to respond to them all. We promise to do our best to do that. You can call us at 865.934.6883. And you’re welcome to email us by going through our website at www.life883.org. There is also some helpful information posted on our website that may address any of the questions you may have." I've known about the "significant change" since December 6th and tried my best to do every single one of my weekday shows without giving any hint of the sadness I was feeling inside. Three air-personalities on Life 88.3, as well as several co-workers on our sister station, Love 89, will be out of a job at midnight on December 31st.
Many people are looking for jobs right now, due to lay-offs because of the poor economy. I'm aware that we are not alone in this situation. But, in my situation, I never looked at this one as a job. It was a ministry for me. Five days a week I was getting to play music to help people grow in the faith, stay focused on Jesus as they start their days, become 'friends' with people I might never have the privilege to meet all because of our common faith in Christ and love for His music.
But my ministry isn't ending...it's just changing gears. My minister/husband and I have been serving churches together since 1974. I've been doing concerts for many years, as well as being a worship leader, retreat speaker, teaching Bible studies and organizational workshops, and many other things that won't end just because I'm not in radio anymore. I've loved every second in this latest job...but now I have new directions and possibilities. Between my husband's pep talks and a good friend from my Chattanooga radio days - I am beginning to look at this situation a little differently than I did yesterday. (Thanks Joe and Ed!) This situation is turning into a new opportunity to find another ministry!
Even looking at it in a different light today than I did yesterday, I still have some sadness in leaving the wonderful co-workers and listeners I've come to love. And I've searched for comfort in the Word and in music. I've been feeding my spirit today on the lyrics of a song written by Cathy and Wayne Perrin back in 1981. I learned it from a cassette tape of "Integrity's Hosanna! Music" that I had a subscription to... How amazing that a song I learned that long ago has popped into my mind when I needed it the most!
When I look into Your holiness
When I gaze into Your loveliness
When all things that surround
Become shadows in the light of You
When I've found the joy of reaching Your heart
When my will becomes enthralled in Your love
When all things that surround become shadows in the light of You
I worship You I worship You
The reason I live is to worship You
I worship You I worship You
The reason I live is to worship YouTHAT is what you and I were created for! Thank you, Lord, for bringing a song to my mind and heart on just the day I needed it! You've always been extremely good at that, but today, I'm a little extra impressed with You!
Every weekday, I closed my show with this phrase and you may have noticed by now that it is one I've adopted to close out each blog posting with:
If you have a pulse, you have a purpose...make your life count!