Saturday, December 20, 2014

Colonoscopies can be revealing...

Gastroenterologists. I haven't had a colonoscopy in over ten years. 

No wonder. Who in the world ‘likes’ to have a colonoscopy? Well, I had one this week and everything 'came out okay.'

Get it? Everything came out okay? Never mind.

I like it when my husband has one because he’s hilarious afterward! Once, we watched “The Sound Of Music” the night before one of his colonoscopies. He woke up singing, “...the hills are alive with the sound of music...” and I learned he also sang it during his procedure. I asked the doctor if he joined Joe in singing the sound track, to which he replied that he didn’t have time to join in because Joe didn’t make it to the second line! Ha!

Another time, Joe was fixated on the doctor’s shoes. They were the latest in athletic footwear and Joe even talked about them while the doctor consulted with us following his procedure. (He was still just a little drunk.)

Once, when I was being fitted with my new eyeglass frames, the optician mentioned that my husband really loved me.

What? How would she know?

She said, “My husband had a colonoscopy the same day as yours and they woke up in rooms right next to one another. He kept telling the nurse that his wife was a ‘wonderful woman! You’ll love her!’ he said.” 

She proceeded to tell me that Joe told anyone who would listen just how much he loved his wife!

Now, friends, I think that’s pretty cool when a hubby is totally soused and talks wonderful about his wife!!!

Just for the record, I think he’s pretty awesome, too!

Remember, if you have a pulse, you have a purpose…so make your life count!

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