Easter 2011 is now in the memory books. We enjoyed a delicious meal at our daughter and son-in-law's home with family and friends, came home where hubby and I sat in our favorite chairs and napped. The perfect Sunday afternoon...
You're about to read a story my hubby loves to tell on me that goes back to our first Easter in Alcoa, Tennessee: 1996
When I need to have my roots touched up, I run to my hairdresser and get that taken care of as soon as possible. But before that happens and my hair is in need of a 'root-job' I take extra steps to get it whipped into shape for the day. This particular Easter Sunday morning, I was in bad need of a root-job, so I went through each step to assure my short, frosted hair would look a little thicker/taller.
Step 1: wash hair
Step 2: mousse it and blow it dry
Step 3: hair spray all over, then go do something else
Step 4: come back and use curling iron
Step 5: hair spray all over, then go do something else
Step 6: come back and tease hair all over
Step 7: hair spray all over, then go do something else
Step 8: come back and style hair
Step 9: use one last blast of hair spray to hold the creation in place
But on this particular Easter morning I'm referring to, I somehow stopped at Step 7. Not sure how it happened, but I'm guessing that I was rushing around, making sure my 10 year old daughter was ready for church and maybe the phone rang or something. Whatever happened...it made for an "interesting new look" for me. My daughter never said anything to me about the way I looked, so I went on my merry way.
Keep in mind as you're reading this that many churches have a large amount of CEO's who attend our Easter services, so some of them were meeting their new minister and his wife for the very first time...even though we'd been there since June of '95. CEO's are the members who "Come on Easter Only."
Folks at church greeted me warmly and many of them glanced at my hair. Will Shelton, one of our senior high youth (who is now a UM minister/seminary student) commented on how great my hair looked! Some of his friends did the same...
I never had occasion to look in a mirror while at church because I didn't need to use the rest room. Oh how I wish I'd had too much water or juice that morning...but if I had, Joe would have one less funny story to tell. I sat in my usual place at church and some visiting friends (who would be lunching with us after service) were there with me. During the musical benediction, just as I always do, I walked out of the sanctuary holding hands with my minister/husband, stopping at the main doors so we could greet the church family and guests as they left the church.
Cut to lunch back at our house:
Delicious food is on the table...we enjoy our guests...dessert and coffee are served...and then we retire to the den to extend our visit. I finally make a visit to the "powder room" for the first time since Step 7. Screaming, I ran out to my husband, daughter and guests and asked, "Did my hair look like this at church?!?!?"
Husband: Yes
Me: Why didn't you tell me my hair looked like this?!?
Husband: I thought you were trying out a new hairstyle.
Me: (insert sarcastic tone here) Well, what do you think of it?!?
Husband: I don't really like it.
My sweet daughter and our friends all agreed with my husband in thinking it was a new 'do! Duh! I don't think so...!
End of story. My husband is kind enough to ask me before he shares this story publicly. But since I've finally started to learn that life is much better when we can laugh at ourselves, it isn't so humiliating to tell it on myself.
Will Shelton still remembers my hairdo from that Easter morning. When he gets married someday, and his wife is preparing for their first Easter service in a new appointment...I hope he'll be sure to check out his wife's hair before they leave for church.
Remember: if you have a pulse, you have a purpose...so make your life count!
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