Thursday, September 28, 2023

Is it time for Life Alert already?!?

Picture a narrow space between our bed and the wall it sits close to.  I sleep on that side of the bed and when I get up in the dark I'm very aware that the wall has always been there and it isn't going to move.  I must tread carefully.  (By the way, I just stopped composing this long enough to measure the space between the bed frame and the wall.  22½ inches.  Seriously.)

Now picture me finishing a phone conversation while stretched out on my stomach across the middle of the bed.  I hang up and begin to wonder where my glasses disappeared to last night.  I knew they'd been on the nightstand but I had knocked some things off about 3 a.m. and figured the glasses were under the bed where I found the other stuff.  Still lying on my stomach across the middle of the bed, I lean over to look for the glasses.  Can't see anything so I stretch a little farther.  And a little farther.  Farther still...

Now picture this grown woman who slid off the bed...head first...into the baseboard of the wall next to the bed that is 22½ inches away.  A big part of my body weight was pushing my head into the wooden baseboard and floor's 90-degree angle from the wall.  Yes.  That's a lot of weight.  And a lot of pressure on my neck which hasn't been in the best condition in years!   

I couldn't get out of that position!  I couldn't roll over on the bed.  I couldn't use my arms to push myself up from that awkward place.  I also couldn't use my arms to push myself back onto the bed.  That ship had already sailed!  I was stuck.  So I called out to my husband.  Several times.  He finally realized those muffled calls were coming from the bedroom and rushed in.  

First question.  "Hey, Beth!  Whatcha doin'?"  

It looked obvious what I was doing...or unable to do...but at least he was thoughtful enough to ask before laughing at me.

It took more than five minutes for me to get out of that position.  I couldn't let Joe help me because there wasn't enough room for both of us in those 22½ inches!  All this time, my head and neck are holding me hostage against that wall and the pain is getting worse!  But Joe explained that I needed to let the rest of my body relax and slide off the bed in the same direction my head was.  I still cannot figure how I got this figure folded up on the floor and on top of the throw rug so I could back myself out!  But I did!  Who knew a girl built like me could be a contortionist?!?!  

My neck hurts.  The headache lasted a long time.  But seeing my Osteopath in the morning should make everything feel better!  Sure glad I already had the appointment!

When I was texting with my daughter, Hannah, I told her a little bit about this morning's  adventure.  First thing she texted back was, "Oh my word!  Is it time for Life Alert already?"  

Could be, kiddo...because we both know your mom's just a few more moves away from becoming Lucy Ricardo!  

Remember: if you have a pulse you have a purpose.  Make your life count!

Saturday, September 2, 2023

Best Ice Cream Ever

I believe it was introduced in 1985.  I was pregnant with our daughter at the time and needed my dairy intake for the day.  Not much for drinking milk, I relied on other ways to get my calcium.  The flavors of white and milk chocolate flavored mousse ice cream had me at "hello" when I walked into the ice cream shoppe.  The "hello" came from the person behind the counter, welcoming me to Baskin Robbins.  I tasted that particular flavor and have enjoyed it for 38 years now.  World Class Chocolate!!! 

Baskin Robbins...or BR 31.  What's significant about the number?  The number represents the number of flavors that are offered at most of those particular ice cream shoppes at any given time.  That day in 1985, an innocent young salesperson holding an ice cream scoop helped me embark on a lifetime commitment to find this flavor in every Baskin Robbins I entered.  No matter what state I was in, if there was a BR, I would check to see if my favorite flavor was there.  If it wasn't, I was more determined than ever to find it at the next one.  

There are no artificial dyes in this decadent treat.  There are calories.  Plenty of calories.  But with every bite I allow myself to enjoy of this heavenly taste, I tell myself I will do better next time.  I'll deny myself other sweets to make up for what I've done as I lick, pushing the last of the ice cream down to bite into the cone and finish it off!

And in the last few of joys!  Baskin Robbins ice cream is offered in my favorite Food City store!   And usually my World Class Chocolate is sitting in the freezer section just waiting for me to purchase and eat at home after it's had a few minutes to soften enough for me to enjoy.  

For two days in a row, I've enjoyed this creamy frozen treat.  Do you know how many promises I have to keep in my walking shoes just to work off the joy I've experienced?!?   Never mind.  I don't want to think about that.  I'll think about that tomorrow...(thank you, Scarlett O'Hara for that excuse)!

If you have a pulse, you have a purpose.  Make your life count!