After realizing that I missed a few of the men's rooms, I had to find gentlemen who could help me. I suppose it wasn't a great idea to stand and watch for men going in and out of the restrooms I had missed. And it probably wasn't the smartest move to ask a total stranger - as he was leaving the facility...
Me: "Are there urinals in there?"
Stranger: "Excuse me?!?"
Me: "Did you notice if there were urinals in there?"
Stranger: "I don't remember."
(he doesn't remember?!?)
Me: "If there are, will you go back in and hang this sign over one for me?!?"
Stranger: "Okay..."
...he said as he walked back into the restroom with one of my signs that already had tacky stuff on the back to make it stick.
I guess there was a urinal in there because he didn't bring the sign out!
If you think that was a weird conversation, remind me to tell you about the wet nuts.
I like to close my blog with this: If you have a pulse, you have a purpose. Make your life count!