Saturday, May 7, 2022

All better...

Joe had his surgery for aortic valve replacement May 2nd and did quite well with everything.  He's recuperating nicely and is right on track for what is expected during this time after his procedure.

I just have to tell you what he did post-surgery...

Joe was rolled back into the room where our daughter and I sat with him before the procedure.  The surgery turned out to be the one that is less invasive...thankfully!  His eyes were closed and I thought he hadn't truly awakened from this.  The nurse stepped up to his bed and started fiddling with the machines around him, then asked, "Mr. Green, how are you feeling?"  

His eyes still closed, he began to sing, "I feel pretty, oh so pretty, I feel pretty and witty and bright..." from West Side Story.  Joe once again cracked up everybody in the room!  The two pastors/friends got a kick out of it.  

Glad to know the surgery didn't hurt his sense of humor that day!!!

My husband is like a box of chocolates.  You never know what you're gonna get!

If you have a pulse, you have a purpose.  Make your life count!