It all came around rather suddenly...and now, there is a date set for my Joe to have aortic valve replacement. He's pretty cool about it and has even made jokes. (I love a man with a sense of humor!)
If he gets a cow valve, we'd be able to find him in the front yard grazing in the grass. If it's a pig valve, he'd be rooting around in the mud. I told him that if they replace his valve with a cadaver's valve...he'll just lay around all the time doing nothing. That got a grin out of him.
Turns out, he'll be getting a cow valve, so I guess I should cancel the yard guy for the summer.
I've seen some funny cartoons dealing with heart stuff...
"You need a heart valve replacement. Don't worry. We have staff going down to a nearby farm to look for a donor."
"Your cardiac surgery was a success. You still have a song in your heart, but we had to remove two verses and one refrain from the choruses."
Seriously, we're praying for a smooth and complete recovery for Joe! Won't you pray for him, too? Thanks!
As always, remember, if you have a pulse, you have a purpose. Make your life count!