Once in a while, my mother would say she had so much love in her heart, she thought it would burst. She said the love she had for my brothers, my sister, and me was an indescribable love…and so strong that she would die for us, if need be.
Mother was a loving lady to everyone, but she could also be fierce if you messed with her kids! Or her husband. She was the proverbial ‘Mother Hen’ and busied herself with the needs of her family, her friends, and her church.
I always knew she loved me. There was never a moment I could have doubted her love. But I don’t think I totally understood the depth of her love until I became a mother.
Thirty-one years ago, I was proudly displaying my ‘baby bump’ (although I’m not sure we called it that back then) and very anxious to get on with labor and delivery. Walking had become waddling and strangers would look at me with either sympathetic faces or utter shock that I was SO big! My hubby used to tell me he was going to start two new Sunday school classes in the church fellowship hall and use me as the room divider. He’d walk away from me in the produce section at the grocery store, just so he could watch peoples’ faces when I’d turn sideways! You see, I didn’t look pregnant from behind, so I was his entertainment on otherwise boring shopping trips.
After a L O N G labor, and some difficulties, Hannah announced her presence with good lungs! The best part: she didn’t look like Winston Churchill. Most newborn babies look like him, don’t you think? And she had hair! Her father and I were both nearly bald when we came into the world!
Who was this little stranger I finally got to hold in my arms? I couldn’t believe how much I loved this tiny, squirmy baby girl. We’d just been formally introduced! But I knew from that moment – finally – what my mother meant. I was in total and complete love! I would do anything to protect, care for, and nurture this small, sweet child. Yes, I’d die for her if need be.
All of Hannah’s life, I’ve tried to show her, to convey how much love I have for her. It’s immeasurable! It’s overwhelming! To this very day, when I first see her, all I want to do is hug her, kiss her, and tell her how much I love her! She’s the one I gave birth to! Several miscarriages made her an only child. That is something I truly regret, for her sake, because she’d have been a terrific sister!!!
Even though I tried to convey it in every way I knew how, I don’t think she’s ever been able to understand the true depth of her mother’s love.
But now, I think she will…
Hannah gave birth to a little girl a couple of weeks ago, and she was such a trooper! The nurse told me she was amazing during labor and delivery. I’m not surprised. She’s pretty amazing, period!
She and James Andrew have named their daughter Ophelia. Isn’t that a pretty name?
My baby had a baby! And now she’s a mother. Over the years of raising her little girl, I hope she can begin to understand the deep, unchanging love I have for her. There is nothing to compare to this!!!
When Joe and I first went into the room to meet our granddaughter for the first time, I didn't head straight for the baby. Surprised? I wanted to see my daughter...my little girl...and make sure she was okay. And she was. Tired, but okay. And the smile she had on her face brings tears to my eyes as I type this. I'd meet her baby soon, but first I had to love on my baby...this woman who stole my heart 31 years ago.
And my granddaughter? I’m smitten! Over the moon! Totally taken by this beautiful little life!
God has blessed our family in so many ways…and especially now, with this little girl who has already stolen our hearts. Thanks be to God!
If you have a pulse, you have a purpose. Make your life count!