Sunday, April 12, 2015


In the past week I’ve done the following:

1. Ran across a parking lot in the rain.
2. Sat cross-legged on the floor.
3. Mowed our yard.
4. Rode my bicycle.

This might not be a big deal to anyone else, but to me it is because none of it made my knee hurt! For the past decade nearly everything I did made my knee hurt. Every. Thing. And after all the things I did on that list...I was able to stand up and walk around without limping and/or grimacing. One year ago I was so happy to have a new knee that I named it! Nehemiah was a rebuilder and restorer in the Old Testament. Since my knee has restored things for me…that's his name! And if you don't want to call him by his full name, just call him Ne. Get it? Ne? Knee? Never mind.

To say my knee replacement last year has made a huge difference in my life would be an understatement. (see list) 

Nehemiah and I celebrated his first ‘birthday’ last month. I even had a birthday cake made for the occasion and took it to the staff at Maryville Orthopaedic Clinic for the final appointment with my surgeon, Dr. Eric Morgan.

There are some things that need celebrating. You know...all the regular things like births, weddings, retirements, etc. But in our family, we get excited about things that others might not celebrate. Like first dates. A good grade on a paper. Losing a tooth. Eating a vegetable you never liked before and deciding that it’s tasty after all. (that causes our family to dance on the chairs...don’t ask) We even have a special Red Plate that we use when we’re celebrating certain things (not the vegetables though).

Joe and I enjoy life together. He’s fun to live with. We laugh. And we celebrate. A lot. At this very moment...thinking about all that he and I have together...I’m smiling.

As a matter of fact, I’m wearing the smile he gave me.

Remember, if you have a pulse, you have a purpose…so make your life count!

If you want to know more about The Red Plate, go to: